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Getting Eco This Christmas

After the last couple of years our focus has shifted to be more eco-conscious and at a time of year where waste is rife, we thought we'd give you a few ideas to help you get more eco this Christmas!


1) Think Outside the Box

You might have a great house plant sat in the corner of the room that would really suit a set of lights and some tinsel you found in the loft! Using what you already have around you is a great alternative to buying stuff or cutting down a tree!

2) DIY Vase

Let's face it, most of us have a vase or two piled up in the cupboard or strategically placed on shelves where the kids can't reach... well, why not fill them with the baubles your mum gave you that you never use on your tree? Or add some fairy lights and voila - instantly festive vibes created from virtually nothing!

3) Christmas is Red and Green

Christmas has always been red and green, for as long as we can remember... so use that! Have a table cloth that's a red tartan? Or perhaps some green ribbon? Putting the two together will instantly shout Christmas and even better, next year you can create different combinations!

4) Rent Your Decorations!

Well we couldn't go without mentioning the obvious could we?! You'll be surprised how many extra decorations people in your community might have. Or if your neighbour is going away this year, why not borrow their decorations rather than buying cheap ones that will only break before next year?!

5) Get Crafty

The old family favourite... especially if you've got kids! Use the paint, tissue paper and loo roll centres and great creative. From Christmas trees to snowmen, you'll be surprised with what you can create if you dare to imagine!


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Make money from the things you own!