The Lockdown Birthday | RentMy Skip to main content Skip to footer

The Lockdown Birthday

With my 21st birthday approaching, I longed for the days of pop music pounding in my ears, the sharp sting of tequila shots running down my throat and good times with my fabulous friends. I knew my 21st would not be celebrated in my usual style but I still wanted to enjoy my day nonetheless.

So there I was, three weeks before my birthday scrolling through my Instagram feed in the hope of finding that perfect outfit. Who said you can’t look good whilst staying at home? As I was scrolling, an ad popped up for a new service called RentMy. There was a photo of a projector and the caption advertised that it was available to rent for just £17 per day!

Suddenly, my whole focused changed from my initial outfit search, I immediately sent the link to my family group chat and asked if we could hold a family film night and rent a projector for the evening.

The big day arrived, and I had left all of the planning to my family. I woke up late in the morning to hear my family scuttling around excitedly downstairs. I got ready for the day and headed downstairs. I was amazed when I opened the lounge door to find that they had converted the whole room into a massive indoor cinema. They had rented the projector, a surround sound system AND a popcorn machine from RentMy… how cool is that?

In the corner there was a large chalkboard which read ‘Now Showing… 101 Dalmatians’ – my all-time favourite! The projector had been easy to set up and my parents had rented it for the whole day which meant we could spend the day watching all of our favourite Disney classics. The retro popcorn machine worked tirelessly, releasing a beautiful buttery scent into the room: the popcorn was fluffy and melted in my mouth, delicious!

The surround sound system made me feel like I was sitting in an actual cinema, long gone are the days where you can pop to the cinema with your friends on a Saturday afternoon so this was certainly the next best thing. The projector was great and allowed us to watch 101 cute puppies on a big screen - what more could you want?

We had the best day and thanks to RentMy, I was able to celebrate my 21st in a way I will never forget! One day into my 21st year and I have already learnt something new: RentMy is for everyone, no matter what gender, age or interest and I am so excited to rent out future gadgets. I definitely would recommend RentMy to anyone wishing to try something new or have a different kind of birthday party!


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Make money from the things you own!